Notre Designs

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Gratitude and Admiration: A Letter to All Haitian Mothers

Dear Haitian Mothers,

Mother's Day in Haiti is celebrated on the last Sunday of May. To express love and appreciation, children say "Bòn fèt dè mè" or "Bòn fèt manman" and wear a flower in their mother's honor. Unfortunately, since I cannot give flowers to all Haitian mothers, I decided to write a letter of gratitude and admiration instead.  Therefore, on this special day, I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude and admiration for all of you. As we celebrate Haitian Mother's Day, I believe it is essential to acknowledge the immense love, strength, and resilience that you bring to your families and communities.

To all the Haitian mothers out there, you are the backbone of your family's strength. You tirelessly care for and support your children with unwavering dedication, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Your selflessness and sacrifices are unparalleled, ensuring that your children have the opportunities and love they need to flourish. As a parent, you have an endless amount of love for your child. guidance, and care from the very beginning. You also teach them about the significance of family, community, and cultural traditions, which helps them feel a sense of pride and belonging. 

I am in awe of your resilience. You have faced numerous challenges and adversities, yet you continue to stand tall and overcome every obstacle that comes your way. Haitian mothers, you are the embodiment of grace and dignity. You lead by example, teaching your children the values of kindness, compassion, and respect. Your wisdom and guidance shape the next generation by preparing them to become compassionate and responsible individuals.

Today, we honor you and the amazing difference you make in the lives of your children and the Haitian community. Your love, devotion, and selflessness are unparalleled and truly worthy of celebration not just today, but every day.

To all the wonderful Haitian mothers out there, I want to express my gratitude for the incredible impact you have on your families, communities, and society. Your love and nurturing nature leave a lasting impression on the people you touch, and your contributions are immeasurable. Thank you for all that you do.

Happy Haitian Mother's Day to all Haitian mothers!


With Heartfelt Appreciation,

Notre Designs LLC